Sunday, September 9, 2007

Technology – Curse or Blessing?

For individual, technology brings conveniences but also causes confusion. It might be a blessing if you are able to get into it, to manage it and to enjoy it. It might be a curse if you can not affort it, or handle it, or you think it consumes your time and harm your health mentally or physically. No matter what viewpoints people hold toward it, they have to rely on it more or less in daily living. And one thing seems certain that technology is ‘spontaneously’ developing. The tendency of development is inevitable. Participating this development is a basical strategy for people servival in modern world. For society as a whole, technology creates fortune and enhances government’s management. On the other hand, technology also brings many serious problems which threaten human being's existence, such as pollution in air, water, even outer space; the nuclear bomb brought tragedies to human beings and still threatens human being. In fact, technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time. It can be used both for good and for evil.


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