Sunday, September 9, 2007

Human Powered Search -

Many peoples experiences of the internet are just what they can find through google. It is a great homepage and you can find the information you are after most every time. The problem can be that as google and similar sites use automated computer algorithms to discover results and can be fooled by dodgy advertisers and other websites desperate for your precious (and valuable) click. The widespread use of their search altering techniques can often hamper and slow our search for the information we turned the computer on in the first place.

But what is the answer? Jason Calacanis thinks he has it. His '' (Mahalo is Hawaiian for 'Thank you') website is a human powered search engine with each page of results chosen by his own employees. The results are presented in a much easier to read, spam free form that will save you time and eye strain.

Calcanis realises not every search is the same but aims to have results for the top 15,000 search terms by the end of this year. Anything not yet covered reverts back to google results so it will never leave you high and dry.

Other efforts similar in approach to Mahalo are Xtra's Answers and Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales is also investing in human powered search. Their view is that a million results aren't going to help if you can't find the ones that can help you.

In an information society, what you know is going to be less important than how quickly you can discover the things that you haven't yet learnt. Sites like Mahalo are going to help us navigate this ever expanding information source.

Check it out,


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