Thursday, September 6, 2007


This is the first time I have used a blog. Blogs are a form of web log that was first made in 1997 by John Barger. ( I visited a few blogs to find out what exactly a blog is and I realized there are advantages and disadvantages to having a blog site. The best feature of the blog is the latest brief articles appear at the top of the blog and normally in the form of short essays. The on-line community is built up by normal people commenting on the blog site about what they are interested in, so even normal people can be on-line journalist. Also in a blog the topic can be really broad from the bloggers’s personal lives to social issues, therefore blogs are a really free space to write their own opinions.

I think blogs are for sharing ideas with each other, a blog is not just for people to write and keep some information, articles and photographs about what they know, so the information may / or may not be true. Therefore when a netizen reads the information they may or may not agree that it is correct information. Netizens need to be careful when they read a blog because that is a just personal idea for a certain topic.