Friday, October 5, 2007

Ban the Blog!

Alright, I'm going to be perfectly honest with everyone here and admit that the last thing I want to be doing right now is writing a god damn blog. I have had three assignments due in the last week and a half which have taken up all of my free time. I spent all of today at work behind a desk selling tickets. It is Friday night and all I want to do is go and have a drink.

But NO! When I got home and saw my computer I realised that I had forgotten to make my weekly entry into the class blog. Then an even more disturbing thought entered my mind - "What the f%!#$ am I going to write about???" I had not found any interesting websites or new media recently and because I failed to attend last Monday's lecture I couldn't really contribute to the discussion.

As I sat down and opened up internet explorer my trusty homepage Google popped up. In despair I typed in the first thing that crossed my mind which just happened to be: I hate blogs. Apparently I'm not alone as there were around 10,500,00 results. Some of these were suprisingly interesting..

The first match was written by a man named Ted Gross who systematically details why he hates blogs, bloggers and blogging. AlthoughI found the most interesting part of his rant to be where he points out the irony of how blogs began;
"Blogs seemed to be nothing more than sophisticated "diaries". Indeed, many web sites offered what were called live journals, originally started as a place for kids to keep their diaries. What was interesting is that they kept it up on the web so their parents would not get a hold of it, but the whole world was allowed access to these diaries."
To me the greater irony was the fact that Ted was writing about his hatred of blogs in a blog (this is a bit of a hypocritical observation for me to make I know).

The second match was the I Hate This! Blog on a website called which is a blogging site dedicated to people who feel like bitching and moaning about anything and everthing under the sun. I only had a brief look at this but some of the topics were really funny, others even bordered on insightful.

Through further sifting I discovered this cartoon about blogging which I thought was kind amusing.

Now don't get me wrong guys, personally I don't have a problem with blogs. Sometimes I even enjoy writing them. The problem is I just really really could not be arsed doing one today. Oh well hopefully I'll be in a better mood next week and back on form. But until then BAN THE BLOG!!


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