Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Games, I remember the days....!!!!.

I remember the days when me and my brother use to play games all the time and until midnite and my mom use to come and take the remote control from the tv and the Nintendo console we use to have so we can go to sleep. Some times we promise that we will go to sleep and as soon she goes to bed we are back on the mission we were disrupted before. it is fun to play games and i still have small desire to play now and then but i guess i am just getting ocupied with other thing and there is no time ti play for now.
I am not giving up the idea that if i have a chance i will play again but at the moment is different story. However my brother though is still playing and i sometimes give him instuctions what to do which i should not be doing as long i am not playing,but i still have the instinct or feeling that i am somehow in the game when he is playing.
There is addiction to gaming which i can't explain but it is easy to loose yourself in time by playing games. I remember that i didnt feel hungry untill my stomach started rumbling,nor sleepy untim my eyes started closing or my head started to hurt.
I am posting a article about gameing addiction which will explain better than me about this issue.....:


No formal studies have been published addressing the prevalence of a possible video game addiction. A Harris Interactive poll released in April of 2007 found that 8.5% of "youth gamers" in the United States could be "classified as pathological or clinically 'addicted' to playing video games."[13] A British survey reported in November of 2006 indicated 12% of polled gamers exhibit addictive behaviors.[14] Video game overuse is believed to be more of a problem in Asia.[6] A governmental survey in South Korea estimated that 2.4% of South Koreans aged 9 to 39 are addicts, with 10.2 percent more "borderline cases."[15]

A 2005 survey by the Entertainment Software Association found that "video game overuse" was more common in players of MMORPGs.[16] In an interview in 2005, Dr. Maressa Orzack of McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts estimated that 40% of the 8.5 million players of MMORPG World of Warcraft are addicted, a figure she derived from the survey managed by Nick Yee at the The Daedalus Project. [17]. However, Nick Yee has pointed out that caution should be exercised when interpreting this survey data[18].

Possible causes

According to the synthesis of research presented to the American Medical Association in June of 2007, those who overuse video games often find themselves more successful in conducting virtual relationships than real world relationships.[8] A 2004 study on internet addicts, which population includes online gamers, found four common indicators: (1) shyness, (2) lack of spiritual faith, (3) belief that others are controlling their lives, and (4) an elevated belief in chance as an influence on their lives.[19] Some theorists focus on the built-in reward systems of the games to explain their addictive nature.[20][21]


Some countries, like South Korea, have responded to the perceived threat of video game addiction by opening treatment centers.[15] The Chinese government operates several clinics to treat those addicted to online games, chatting and web surfing. Treatment for the patients, most of whom have been forced to attend by parents or government officials, may include yelling, psychiatric counseling, electrical shock treatment, and antidepressant drugs normally used in mental institutions.[22][23]

China also introduced an anti-online gaming addiction system in 2005 intended to reduce addiction by diminishing in-game rewards after three hours of play.[24] In 2006, the system was altered so that users over 18 did not face the limitations.[25] Reports indicate underage gamers are finding ways to circumvent the measure.[26]

In June of 2006, the Smith and Jones clinic in Amsterdam became the first treatment facility in Europe to offer a residential treatment program for compulsive gamers.[27] McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts has set up Computer Addiction Services. Elsewhere, gamers may seek services at generalized addiction support centers. At one such center in Richmond, Canada, excessive gaming accounts for 80% of one youth counselor's caseload.[28]

On-Line Gamers Anonymous (a religious foundation) has been around for many years to provide support and help for gamers who want to quit, as well as for affected family members. The group uses a 12-step approach to facilitate healing.


There have been several deaths from exhaustion caused by playing games for long periods. In South Korea, Lee Seung Seop died after playing Starcraft for over 50 hours. [29] [30] In Jinzhou, China, Xu Yan died after playing online games for over 15 days during the Lunar New Year holiday [31] and an unnamed 30 year-old died in Guangzhou, China after playing for 3 days straight. [32][33]



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