Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Blame Game

As far as speaking up in class goes, I was definitly less likely then usual to even squeak in yesterday's video games lecture. I have no experience or knowledge in/of the digital/technoculture kinda world and are in the class to learn about it from scratch... not hone my skills as an expert. I dont yet have an opinion on most of the things we've discussed but i take great enjoyment listening to everyone else.

So... I've never played, never tried and probably wont become a huge fan of games of any kind, BUT, the gaming industry and its parallel universe are now so interesting to me. I had no idea that these games like World of Warcraft or Starcraft (?) even existed let alone had such a huge and obsessive fan base.( Im learning SO MUCH in this paper! Why is it I have never come across things like this before? Why am I the last to jump on the technology bandwagon?)

One comment yesterday really interested me though, Kevin was discussing the blame that gets put on violent videogames like Grand Theft Auto etc and someone spoke up and asked the question... Do the statistics simply show us that violent games appeal to already violent people? Therefore not directly causing excessive violence? I might not have explained it well, but I completely agree. Surely someone who enjoys sadistic violence in all forms will be more inclined to commit the crimes? I think that blaming the game designers (who are just trying to appeal to their audience) is ignoring the fact that the kind of people who commit horrific crimes are already that way inclined...and therefore simulate these interests in video games.

Cant we test this theory? Why arnt there labrats being made to play grand theft auto for extended periods of time to see if they turn into prostitute killers? (Somehow i knew you could do that BEFORE class... so there you go)

I just really don't like the media getting blamed for anything... it's too much of a obvious scapegoat, and although I was not familiar with this kind of thing happening in the gaming industry, I was well aware that the music industry and the fashion industry suffer from the same accusations. (Not that the fashion industries ever been blamed for murder.. i mean like, eating dissorders in little girls)

Why do people always blame the media when something goes wrong? There must be some other common denominator... bad parenting perhaps?


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