Monday, July 30, 2007

Blogging, Vlogging and Youtube

Ugh, I really cannot be bothered blogging but Mondays are the best day I think because the lecture is still fresh in my memory.

Anyway, I found it really weird that some people were saying that whole lonelygirl15 thing on Youtube is boring. Are you honestly telling me that your life is always 100% interesting?

I think that I raised a very good point in class today; so what do you think? Was this a deceptive blog designed to get viewers or was it a soap opera moving to a new medium as the soap operas did when television first came out?


Blogger Technoculture and New Media said...

Can't be bothered blogging?! I simply don't believe you ;-)

For me, the issue isn't whether I personally like or dislike the LonelyGirl videos. Personally, I couldn't be bothered watching it for entertainment value. But what's interesting is precisely trying to understand this (and its popularity) as a novel form of media. Yes, the soap opera angle is an interesting one that I've not really explored. For me, Reality TV and video diary genres are the most obvious points of departure.

When so many other people out there have already voted with their feet and made something like this popular, it doesn't really matter if one more individual (moi) likes it or not. The point is to try and think through why it gained such popularity and what it's all about. Someone in class told me off for looking at the LonelyGirl blog only from an academic's point of view. Well, I think that's a kind of useful perspective to take on things. And I still don't own a tweed jacket with elbow patches so it's not inherently dangerous either!

July 31, 2007 at 6:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

don't really think whether we see it as boring or not would really contribute to the convo, tbh ...

but yes, if we want to go down that vein, than my life is pretty much 100% interesting. The times that they are *not*, I play games and read novels. Definitions of "interesting" vary person to person, and personally I just refuse to kill more brain cells watching some ditzy girl doing crap-all!

July 31, 2007 at 11:51 AM  
Blogger liz shaw said...

Both of you have made good points.

I think looking at the lonelygirl15 vlogs is good from an academic's point of view because it shows just how the internet is affecting our every day lives and because it shows how we feel about our internet communications and identities.

And yes, Yuhan, different things are interesting to different people.

Now to head to Youtube and watch those videos.

July 31, 2007 at 1:41 PM  

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