Sunday, September 16, 2007

Cellphone meglomania

Today i was mucking around with my cellphone and managed to find a whole set of new features, mostly just shortcuts and things obviously designed to try and make life just a little bit easier, but these were things that i never would of found if was wasn't so hungover and had nothing to keep me amused except my cellphone.
The catch here is that i've had this phone for nearly a year now and up and till this morning i had only scratched at the surface of its capibility.
Don't get me wrong, im not a neo luddite or technologically ignorant; i mean i've managed to watch sky mobile on it and download songs and video for it but im thinking that even your average cellphone these days spends probably too much of its time doing other things.
Apparently this is particularly true in the case of the iphone, where it takes about six different steps before you get to make a call.
Does any one else think that this sort of stuff is probably starting to get a bit out of hand, especially since companies like vodafone keep introducing these brand new features when they can't even get proper coverage happening in some areas?


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