Sunday, September 16, 2007

Yes! There are people who enjoy blogging

Blogging has become so popular in recent years that the opportunity to become a professional blogger has never been easier. Some blogger's sites have even allowed them to earn a living producing the entertainment people crave. There is even a professional bloggers association that networks and supports these people. What makes them able to live off their sites is their passion to find a niche and dedication to filter valid information from countless sources.

Perez Hilton
sources celebrity gossip and has 105 million page views a month. Penny Arcade reaches 2 million people a day with its web comic and blog. These examples of successful professional bloggers are not the exception. There are thousands more successful niche websites out there including sites for bag lovers and junk food addicts.

Blogging for a class assessment is one thing, people who actually enjoy blogging enough to commit their day to it is another. I have a personal distaste for writing on the web and see no reason to add to it. But I commend those who devote time and expertise to a particular field of interest to help others even if it is for profit.


Blogger Hugh said...

Just out of curiosity, why do you have "a personal distaste for writing on the web"? Isn't the Internet just a new platform for citizen journalism, no matter what form that journalism should take? Doesn't it follow that good writing naturally attains prominence, and that anything that is popular is worth paying attention to?

September 16, 2007 at 11:51 PM  

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