Monday, July 23, 2007

Constructing a Virtual Reality

I found today's lecture thoroughly interesting. I think it is the concept of a constructed reality, a reality that is somewhat different to our every day 'physical' existences. Someone raised an interesting point during the lecture about various windows and I didn't have a chance to say that I agree with, and support this concept, not just online, but also offline. I have found myself, particularly in recent weeks thinking about the different realities that I have and then I think about the interent and online communities and while I can relate to some of the comments that were made, I find the whole concept somewhat disturbing.

I find it disturbing because it is, as Luke mentioned, very immersive and almost trance-like. A couple of years ago I was entirely immersed in online communities to the point where it had negative impacts on my personal life and life outside of the internet, and that is why i am so anti an online presence.

Others mentioned that it can break down inhibitions and barriers that people may face in real life but is this truly the case or is it actually creating more barriers? Lets think about this for a second. You go online to escape your reality and you end up chatting to people on forums or creating a myspace profile but what purpose does it really serve? Is it not distancing you even more from reality because you can't do that in real life and because you do find yourself addicted to this online community?

And to go on a tangent; there was once a time when we had karaoke in pubs and then reality shows that held competitions. That has now changed and Fairfax is running a blogging competition through their internet news site,

By the way, I'd like to take this as an opportunity to put myself forward for the position of class rep. I've been in the film department for a while now and am also studying politics. In my spare time I go out drinking with friends and take acting classes. I'd like to represent you and it would be fantastic to finally, in my last semester of uni actually be elected as class rep. I know you'll make the right decision *hint hint*


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