Monday, July 23, 2007

A note on notes

Just wanted to point out that I am posting up outline notes for the lectures on CECIL. These are in no way meant to be a substitute for taking your own notes. They're just there as an outline of the topics covered - a kind of wire frame on which to hang your own notes should you wish. They're more detailed than just the Powerpoint slides would be, but not comprehensive by any means. Actually, they're just a tidied up version of my own notes. But folk in this course last year seemed to find that format helpful so I'll stick with it. I won't be posting them up before the lectures (a) because I think that tends to discourage individual note-taking (which is essential if this stuff is going to stick!) and (b) because I don't quite know how much material I'll actually get through in a lecture because I like to allow for in-class discussion. On which subject, the level of discussion in class so far is great as far as I'm concerned, so thanks to all those who have been contributing so far. So much better than just having me drone on 100% of the time!


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