Monday, August 20, 2007

Some videos of interest, and arguably even relevance.

In no particular order, I have some Youtube videoclips which tie in to topics of recent or current relevance for the course.

Firstly we have a clip from the Daily Show, where a man by the name of Andrew Keen discusses his book, where he argues that the internet is killing American culture, and that they should return to a glorious heyday where a few educated people were permitted to be paid to create culture for everybody.

Next we have an Anime Music Video (AMV). I think these are interesting because they're essentially a visual mashup between a song and an edited series of video clips. This one is a song that I imagine few have heard of, because of its essentially comedic nature, and clips from a mix of sources with the main one being the anime "Hellsing."

Once again, it's an example where there's definite art to the process of mixing it all together.

And lastly, with a vague connection to remix culture and sampling, we have a standup musical comedian discussing how pervasive parts of classical music can be.

- Kevin.


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