Sunday, August 12, 2007

The end is near!

This is a late first post, so I wanted to start out with something related to issues raised at the beginning of the course. Those two girls in the clip we were shown in class (the two who were taken advantage of by a 'friend') brought to mind an issue uncomfortably close to home...
(dreamy flashback sound)
Everyday I return home from uni to see my sister haunched over the computer, wide eyed like a crack fiend staring dangerously close to the computer screen. She can endure this for massive amounts of time, and asking to use the computer is like tearing a rabid dog away from its kill. The thing that bugs me most about it, is that when I look at what shes doing, its never anything really constructive. She doesnt persue her interests or anything, and always just goes and feeds parasitically off other peoples lives on these blog sites like bebo and myspace etc.

My sister is around the same age as the girls on the video, and seems to be just like them. Im really scared for her. Shes not growing as a person in any way by letting her world revolve around other peoples lives through blogs and msn. Its the reasons why TV can be considered evil but on steroids. Easy, brainless entertainment. Just behind us is a generation of zombies whos lives have been constructed and inspired by the media. Why imagine for yourself when you can watch MTV? why talk when you can text? It really is a technoculture society following close behind us, spoon-fed but spoon-fed garbage. Technology has advanced based on us wanting to make things easier for ourselves, and im worried that our sloth (physically & mentally but really spiritually) will be our end.


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