Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Are we really this surprised?

After giving it a lot of thought majority of us seemed so outraged with Google and the concept of Big Brother over our g e-mails. But is it really shocking news? Does it really bother us as much as we have portrayed it? Don’t get me wrong I too am guilty of the outrage. To think about Privacy it seems to be a concept of last century. Now it’s all Big Brother. Lets start with cell phones that can be monitored through satellite to pin point the location of the call and the conversation itself, internet… hey we are all subscribers, filters are in place to track “trigger words” such as bombs, etc on our e-mails, texts and calls. The streets are monitored by surveillance that in some instances one can watch live on the internet (http://traffic.transit.govt.nz/Traffic.do?view=cctv# ) check it out. Our entire life history can be traced in Governmental agencies; think of Flight bookings, medical histories, census, and the list goes on. So are we really that surprised, or outraged? Hey we all got used to Google and if it goes another Google would take its place, so does it really matter who reads our e-mails in ten years time? The only option left to privacy is good old pen and paper and no return address on the envelope.

Bit on a lighter side. I have been sent these links about a good old game Tetris … but with a twist. Really check them out. I know I have enjoyed it heaps! Hopefully you will too.


And to finish off couple of links on Facebook: some say picture’s worth hundred words so watch these:

Facebook- harmless fun or US conspiracy?


Facebook infomercial parody:


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