Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wireless woop woop

Im no broadband/dial up genius., however i do no one thing, i am so glad that the issues i had with even getting onto the internet are now a thing of the past in my household. It's been about a couple of months now that we have had wireless internet in our house. Before i had to worry about starting up my laptop, just to have it freeze on me, then connect it to a giant cable to use the internet, which stretched to the other side of the house and downstairs... however now i can sit anywere.. yup anywere and just go! its fabulous. I find myself on the computer so much more now though, i don't know if its healthy! i find myself myspacing my boyfriend on plans for later in the day, rather than just picking up the good old telephone.

The internet seems to be a neccesity these days, for example i rang up a government organisation the other day and they told me to fill out a form on their website first. Even if i wanted to cut down my internet usage its really not that possible.

On a somewhat different note, i must agree with some that yes, when i did have dial up, it was slow, and became quite frustrating and by the time it connected to the internet i had forgottan what it was i had to do on there. However, back then i didn't have anything to compare it to, ie countries with faster broadband, i just took it as it came to me. I thought the internet = SLOW! Although my life does not revolve around the internet (however i do get slight panic attacks if i havn't checked my myspace every hour on the hour!) wireless does make things alot easier!!


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