Sunday, August 5, 2007

New Way of Using Facebook

Mom reunites through Facebook with son she gave up for adoption

Short version, for those who can't be bothered reading the article:

A lady gave up a son when she was 17, and has been searching for him since. Now she's 37, and has somehow found him through FaceBook (!!), after having searched through numerous phone books, adoption registries and the internet.

So, now, we are presented with an entirely new way of using these networking sites, whether it be Bebo, Facebook, MySpace, or whatever. Are they still inherently "evil" (according to some) if people are able to use these services to perform such tasks? I suppose that in the end, the question lies in the user of the particular medium - do they have enough control over themselves to be able to stop when it's "time", or are they like crack addicts going 30hrs without?


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